MARCH 31 , 2023
Foods you should eat for a healthier you!
One of the main goals as human beings is to stay healthy and free of diseases. A key point in order to improve our health is to take care of our diet. In this article, we will let you know what foods you should eat.
Why should we have a healthy diet?
A balanced and healthy diet can reduce the risk of obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular problems, osteoporosis, among others.
You can get a wide variety of macro and micronutrients from the foods you eat, especially because your body needs them for many essential functions. The following examples are some of the most important groups you should consume:
Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for our body.
Proteins are an essential energy source for developing and repairing all body tissues and muscles.
Fats also act as an energy source that also serves for many other purposes like —helping the movement of vital vitamins throughout the body and acting as a precursor for many hormones. Remember that vitamins and minerals are crucial to the health and functioning of the body.
Fiber is a crucial component of our diet. Although it is not considered as a macronutrient, it is vital to maintain the health of your digestive system, and some types of fiber can even help lower your cholesterol levels and improve your gastrointestinal transit.
Aim for a healthy diet
You should eat a variety of food in order to nourish your body with the nutrients and fiber required. Here we list the five main food groups:
Starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes better known as carbohydrates, remember to prefer the whole grains.
Consumers must include fruits and vegetables in their diet, a wide variety will help you to get most of the vitamins and minerals required.
Milk and various types of dairy products.
Non-dairy protein sources include meat, fish, eggs, legumes, etc.
Foods with a better quality of fats such as avocado, almonds, peanuts, cashews, etc.
Your body will receive all the nutrients required in order to stay healthy if you eat the right combination of foods and portions from these dietary groups.
How to maintain a balance in our diet?
Including the different food groups on your meals, a balanced and healthy choice will have many health benefits.
Starchy foods: The carbohydrates in starchy foods are an excellent source of energy constantly released throughout the day. They also allow us to feel satisfied. For this reason, this type of product is recommended as our primary energy source.
Bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes are examples of starchy foods. Choose whole grains whenever possible to improve your diet and potentiate the benefits.
Fruits and vegetables: These foods are an excellent source of various nutrients, especially fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The expert recommendation is to eat five servings or more of green produce style , they could be Dehydrated, frozen raw or cooked.
Milk and dairy products in general: A favorite food for many, where we can find products such as cheese and yogurt. These are essential sources of protein, calcium, and vitamins. Choose low-fat options, such as skim or low-fat milk and low-fat yogurt.
Meat, fish, eggs, beans, and other non-dairy forms of protein: We can find foods such as meat, fish, and other options such as beans, lentils, eggs, and nuts, which are essential for our body functions.
Try to eat fish twice a week. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, are naturally abundant in oily fish, can help reduce heart disease.
Try to make new combinations and preparations of your meals. Instead of frying meat and fish, you can grill, bake or boil them. Limit the consumption of processed meats, which are often high in fat and can increase the risk of disease.
Foods high in fat and sugar: Try substituting foods rich in unsaturated (good) fats, such as avocado and olive oil, for foods rich in saturated (unhealthy) fats, such as butter, bakery, and cheese. In general, try to eat less fat, but remember that the type of lipids we consume matters.
Sugary foods such as cookies and candy provide energy but few nutrients. Try to limit the amount you consume because they can also lead to dental disease.
How to improve your diet?
Try to eat three balanced meals daily with healthy snacks. There are some foods you should try to eat more of and others that you should try to eat less. Here are some examples:
A wide variety of vegetables and fruits.
Fiber-rich products such as legumes, beans, potatoes, lentils, etc.
Low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, and low-fat cheeses
Use starchy foods, such as brown rice, whole grain pasta, and bread.
Consume less of them:
Replace processed meat products such as sausages, salami, meat pies, and hamburgers with lean, skinless, defatted beef.
Processed foods rich in salt, such as potato chips, and prepared foods for a healthier option.
Reduce the consumption of sugary foods, such as soft drinks, candy, cookies and foods such as cakes, whipped cream, and sodas.
Additional tips for feeling good by eating well
Consume omega-3
Foods rich in omega 3, such as walnuts and oily salmon, olive oil among others, prevent hair from drying out and increase shine because they promote elastin creation and improve the skin health. This fatty acid is also beneficial for the health of the eyes and the immune system.
The consumption of fruits, rich in antioxidants, also helps to reduce the adverse effects of pollution and allergens by improving the immune system. Additionally, one way to stop hair loss is to consume foods rich in magnesium, such as white fish, which strengthens hair follicles.
Vitamins to improve vision
Night vision improves thanks to vitamin A, and its deficiency can cause dry eyes and corneal ulcers. You should consume dairy products, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, fruits and vegetables to keep your eyesight in optimal condition.
For example, you can consume vitamin C, which has strong antioxidant properties and is vital to prevent disorders such as cataracts, also acting as an excellent source to improve the immune system.
Vitamin E, acts as an antioxidant and could be found in spinach, avocado, and some almonds in order to decrease the oxidative stress that cells experience by aging and thus ward off diseases such as age-related macular degeneration.
A Mediterranean diet for skin care
By reducing aging caused by free radicals, better skin care is achieved. Reducing the negative effects of stress on the skin by eating a diet based on the Mediterranean, which relies on the consumption of legumes, fruits, vegetables, fish, white meats, and olive oil.
Chewing apples brought on a friendly smile
In addition to its numerous health benefits, eating apples helps strengthen teeth. Crunchy foods require some chewing, which exercises the teeth and gums—in addition, chewing releases a cleaning mechanism that fights plaque, improving our dental health.
Another advantage of dairy products is that they can reduce acid levels, which could be harmful to the tongue. It is advisable to avoid sugary foods for optimal benefit to the teeth.
Vitamins and minerals for mental acuity
Certain nutrients can improve brain function. If nutrition is neglected, brain functions can suffer. Iron, iodine, omega-3 and vitamin B12 are essential nutrients for cognitive abilities.
Verbal expressiveness and memory will improve with an increased vitamin K intake, which is abundant in broccoli. Due to its rich content of omega-3 and proteins that activate the neurons responsible for keeping the body awake, it is also beneficial to consume almonds and walnuts.
More chocolate increases happiness
The release of chemicals in the brain and nervous system is affected by the consumption of certain foods. Dark chocolate promotes the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates feelings of happiness and alertness.
At Nutrioli we care about your health and family. For this reason, we offer ideal products to lead to a healthier life, improve eating habits and help to create your favorite recipes. Get to know our products and recipe book on this website and get ready to make chop chop chop at every meal!