NOVEMBER 14 , 2022
Maintaining a healthy weight
We all want to look and feel good. This aspect is one of the most searched topics by many people worldwide. However, in such a fast-paced and chaotic world, we could fall into various situations that can take us away from this goal.
When we talk about good health, we must remember that the products we consume are one of the most essential points to consider. Everything we eat is crucial to maintain good health.
Therefore, through the following lines, you will find some tips that might help you improve and achieve your healthy weight and maintain good health and habits.
Top recommendations for a healthy weight
Scientific studies have shown that people can maintain a healthy weight with two main recommendations we all know and have heard: stick to a healthy diet and exercise regularly. It is crucial because it supports, nourishes, and hydrates our body, and having a routine and a balanced diet are certain key points to maintaining a healthy weight.
One of the best sources of energy to help us achieve our goals is the essential fats contained in vegetable oils. For example, on the one hand, soybean oil is an excellent source of vitamins and good fats due to its Omega-3 and Omega-6 composition.
On the other hand, olive oil is a rich source of omegas and vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin A, and polyphenols, which as antioxidants, are indispensable adjuvants for our skin, nails, and hair. In addition, olive and soybean oil contain a splendid source of monounsaturated fats such as Omega-3,6 and 9, which also helps reduce any possible cardiovascular risk.
Eating a wide variety of foods.
Eating various fruits and vegetables and complementing them with a balanced diet can help maintain a healthy lifestyle and a mental balance. No magic kitchen or product will give you everything you want; you could start by analyzing your diet and determining how many food groups you eat to reinforce or decrease.
Eating in portions and including all the food groups (fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates) can help provide the nutrients you need daily through sufficient, varied, complete feeding.
Daily caloric intake is crucial.
Control what's coming: Calories in processed and artificial foods exist in higher amounts because they are richer in sugar. Maintain your healthy weight by avoiding these types of high-calorie foods. Also, avoid sugary beverages such as juice, alcohol, or soda.
Remember, counting every calorie you eat is not necessary, but it is vital to keep in mind to include all the food groups in your daily intake. All of this can help improve our health and lead to healthier lives.
More significant food portions often pack more calories
Trans fats and saturated fats can be hazardous to our health. Reducing the intake of these products may help decrease overall calorie intake and protect against various chronic diseases.
The vast majority of saturated fats in foods such as red meat, whole milk, coconut oil, palm oil, and cookies, cakes, butter, margarine, and other processed foods may include trans fats in greater magnitude.
Fiber and water
Unlike other products, fruits and vegetables, in addition to not having the need to use a label. They are not only an excellent source of vitamins and minerals but also rich in fiber and water that may help you maintain a healthy gastrointestinal function.
Fiber is crucial, as it can help to eliminate waste products and keep our internal organs healthy. Remember that water is vital for our internal systems because the body composition is 60-70% made of it.
Also, consuming water can help fiber do its job. If we consume only fiber without water, we may cause the opposite in our bodies, like constipation.
Try to reduce salt and fat when cooking.
It is better to use elements such as herbs and spices that improve flavor, for example, lemon, basil, coriander, bay leaf, and mint, among others, instead of large quantities of salt.
Why does regular exercise support maintaining a healthy body?
Nutrition can be essential to nourish and maintain our health. However, there are two other important factors that we need to keep in mind: exercise and getting a good night's sleep.
First, Aerobic exercises can help us burn more calories and fat, but anaerobic exercises help us turn and lose weight much faster. In this way, we may turn fat into muscle. Besides that, it can help us improve our musculature. However, it is crucial to do both, not a higher quantity of one or another.
On the other hand, sleep is a crucial part of our routine because, if we eat well, we may not be so hungry during the day, and our recovery may be much better.
Health is a complementary process between nutrition, exercise, and good sleep. Keep these three things in mind: always be on the healthier line and consult your doctor with any doubt or exceptional condition.
To enjoy optimal health, the average adult can get from 30 to 60 minutes of low to moderate exercise or 75 minutes or more of vigorous physical activity each week, plus anaerobic muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week.
Moderation is necessary for all aspects of life if you want to be healthier: the foods you eat, the beverages you drink, the way you go through your day, and the amount of physical activity or exercise you fit into your schedule are essential to have a healthier lifestyle.
And remember to always consult a medical professional or dietitian for guidance in this process for optimal results.